In Honor...

I know that this makes me an Uber-Dork, but I just finished the final addition to the Twilight series yesterday. So, I saw this background and decided that it was appropriate to change for that reason alone. Now, I know that chess pieces have nothing to do with summer and they don't ever match the cute pictures that I have at the top of the page, but I don't care.

Its over...

No more Twilight books. This makes me the biggest nerd and some of you would I am SURE stick their noses up at me for even reading them in the first place. But, when you have 30, 12-18 year-old girls telling you every week that you should read them... you eventually give in to that "peer" pressure and ask for the first one for Christmas. And, then because your baby is too young to really do anything except sleep and eat, you end up reading the first 3 books in just over a weeks time. And, once you're done with that, you think... I wonder how its gonna end?!?! So, you go out and buy the last book the day it comes out (not in a big rush like fashion like others, but in a leisurely way) go home that evening and stay up until 3AM reading. You then pick at the rest of it (because of certain husbands coming home and certain daughters needing to be fed you can't sit and read it straight through) for the next 4 days and finally finish it yesterday.

I'm not going to go into my thoughts about it. I'll give everyone a chance to come to their own conclusions... But, I will say that it KILLED me that I couldn't read and read and read and read until it was done. That is all I'm gonna say about it.


Meghan said...

I just read all of them for the first time this week. I will be an uberdork with you. (not that that is at all comforting.) My friend is bringing the 4th by tomorrow. Can't wait. Maybe I will love it so much I will just have to call you and talk to you about it right away. Ha ha since I don't think I have ever called you in my entire life. What is this doing to us????
ps. So fun to be your blogging buddy.

maeveinthecity said...

hmmm. i have kind of been hearing that sort of reaction to the new book. should i even buy it?